My family

A family is a group of people stay at one house and family mean group of people.A family is the one main supporter to the people in the house, village,sch schand town. A family is also known as a partner and group in our life and also a people or group of people in house .In the family the leader is mother all the time.

In this universe all have a their own family.There are many families in this world and I have five family members,they are two sisters,one mother,one grand mother and me.If there is no word called family there won't be people in this world.If there is no members in family there will be only mother in the world.Everybody have their own family members.

The word called family mean to share,supp supand care eachother.In the family if  I don't have food the word called family members will come to help us and solve problems. Everybody in this world is sufficient and some are not self sufficient if the one family member is not self sufficient we have to share things, support and give care .If we share , support and care in the family we can't stay in happiness.

We should give advice to our family,care the family members that is younger to us and support.We should have good friendship and relationships between the family members.We have to know family is important to us .We have to like our family.

We have to our family members.We have to know word called family.In family we should help,su suppo,care each other.All the time we have to be happy with the family.So lastly,I love my family more than other people.Family is important to our life because family help each other.


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