My School

 School is a place where we learn our values, acquire knowledge, equip with education, and master in etiquettes. lt is a place like  heaven on earth. So, school is the best place to study. In school we feel comfortable and it is our second home. There are many schools in Bhutan.

My school name is Thimyul Lower Secondary School. My school has eighty eight boys and one hundred twenty girls. All our students are friendly to each other and all the students are clever and brave. 

My school is located near Gungzur Geowog, above Kuri Chuu. Students have to walk maximum of seven kilometers between school and home, but i just have to walk around two kilometers. From Lhuentse to my school, there are seven kilometers and my school is above the village name called  Nongmachorten.

There are many types of flowers in my school. All the students are interested in doing gardening works. We have vegetable garden for four houses in our school. In my school  students look beautiful and handsome because  we keep our hair short. Our school is one of the most beautiful schools from Lhuentse Dzongkhag.

In my school, students have to wear face mask and wash our hands with soap in running water for twenty seconds. Our principal announced that we should not touch the things that are used by everyone in our school and if we don't have face mask our principal send students home to get the face mask. In our school we have many water taps to wash our hands very clean. So, I clean ten times of my hands while i am in school.

Going and studying in school is better than the life of monks, we learn about values and etiquettes, it improves our speaking Dzongkha and English, it also improves writing and reading. So, lastly we have to keep school beautiful by planting flowers everywhere and student life is better than the farmer life. 


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